Digital Marketing Solution Centre

At Zone3 Technologies we are positioned to help your business succeed by developing innovative entrepreneurial and technological strategic models.

About Us

Zone3Technologies is a business organization established with the aim of promoting infant business establishments to excel through technological experiences. At Zone3 Technologies we are positioned to help your business succeed by developing innovative entrepreneurial and technological strategic models. 

Zone3Technologies is established to offer employable skills training in the areas of ICT, entrepreneurship, and innovation to help properly place the youth of Salaga and its environs in a position to create their businesses and or make them employable. 

Behind our mission is the passion to simplify technology for non-tech entrepreneurs and inspire the youth to embrace technological advancement in order to create wealth and jobs. 

Our Mission

To provide high-demand digital skills training and digital business development support through technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Our Vision

To become the best technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship skills development center in Salaga and Ghana as a whole.

Our Services

Digital Marketing

Web design
Content marketing.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Social media marketing.
Email marketing.
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

IT Related Service

Introduction to Basic Computing
Internet Navigation
App Development/Design
Digital Literacy (MS Office suite, graphic design)

Blockchain Technology

Intro to Blockchain
Intro to Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin and Digital Cash
Blockchain Entrepreneurship

Why Choose Us?

We deliver on our promises



Solution Driven

Risk Free


+ (233) 54 058 9113 / + (233) 24 112 4000

Behind Salaga Slave Market.
Same Building With Masiisu Pharmacy , Salaga - S/R